No Sound from Ubuntu linux or Mint

No Sound from Ubuntu linux or Mint
Searched google for possible answer to the problem but solution mentioned was not sufficient to solve my issues. I wasted couple of weekends resolving this issue.Finally I solved by removing PulseAudio and ALSA packages and installing OSS(Open Sound System)
What is OSS?OSS provides low -level audio drivers for users and a common API(application program interface) for developers. Unbutu and Mint by default uses ALSA ( Advanced Linux Sound Architecture) to provide audio drivers.

Does OSS support my hardware?

Check the list of supported hardware from the below link.

Preparing to install OSS

1. REMOVE Pulseaudio packages

sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio gstreamer0.10-pulseaudio

2. Removing ALSA packages

sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils stop

sudo apt-get remove alsa-base alsa-utils

3. Blacklisting ALSA Kernel Modules

sudo dpkg-reconfigure linux-sound-base

4. Installing Prerequisite Packages

The second command contains some recommended packages.

sudo apt-get install -y binutils libgtk2.0-0 sed gcc libc6

sudo apt-get install -y libesd0 libsdl1.2debian-oss


Installing OSS

1. Installing from DEB File

Download the OSS deb file from the 4front website( Before you install OSS, Reboot your system so that the ALSA modules will not load or interfere with it. When you log back in, use the terminal to install the OSS deb file (GDebi fails to install this .deb for some reason)

sudo dpkg -i oss-linux*.deb

Configuring Applications to Use OSS

Type ossxmix in your terminal to launch the mixer.


“I have not failed. I’ve just found 10,000 ways that won’t work” –Thomas Edison

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