JMeter has option to add monitor test plan to monitor application servers. But it only works with Tomcat 5 status servlet. But any servlet container that supports JMX (Java Management Extension) can port the status servlet to provide the same information.
Also if user want want to use the monitor with other servlet or EJB containers, Tomcat’s status servlet will work with other containers for the memory statistics without any modifications. To get thread information, MBeanServer will require change in lookup to retrieve the correct MBeans.
But still it is not possible of Windows server IIS.
One of the way to overcome this situation is using Nagios. This can also be used in conjuction with JMeter. That is load is generated using JMeter and Nagios is used to monitor application server performance on load.
Now, the question is what is nagios? How it works ….
Nagios is System and network monitoring tool. It watches hosts and services that is specified and alerts when things go bad crosses threshold value ( this threshold value can be configured) and when they get better.
It works on Linux and linux like system.. BUT it can also MONITOR WINDOWS SERVER. This is the most important aspect of it.
The only requirement of running Nagios is Linux machine or its variant and c compiler.
On the next article I will explain the details of how it can be used to configure and monitor windows machine.