How to force install apps to SD card without ROOT

Force install apps to SD card without ROOT

Samsung Galaxy Ace has only got 180 MBs of Internal memory. If you install a lot of apps, you are bound to run into low disk space issues. To force your new apps to install on SD card perform the following steps:
  1. First you have to enable USB debugging on your Android device from Settings > Applications > Development > USB debugging.
  2. Download and install the latest Android SDK on your computer from
  3. Install the latest Java SDK.
  4. Extract the package to the folder of your choice [e.g. C:/android-sdk-windows/], run SDK Manager.exe
  5. In the new window, click on Available Packages to the left. Uncheck all options you are prompted to download except the USB driver option. USB driver option will need an additional packages called Android SDK tools revision x(13 as of this time) & android sdk platform-tools revision x(7 as of this time) at the top of the list.
  6. Do not open Samsung Kies. Connect your phone to your computer with a USB-cable. Your OS will prompt you to install new drivers. Choose to install them from the android-sdk-windows/extras/google/usb_driver folder. Do not mount your device; you only need to plug-in the cable.(If you don’t see this prompt, that means you have USB drivers already installed.
  7. Run command prompt in administrator and execute the following command

cd C:\android-sdk-windows\platform-tools
adb devices

A list of devices attached should come. Run following command
adb shell
A $ sign should pop up.
pm setInstallLocation 2

And you’re done!! Close everything, disconnect phone, reboot & enjoy!!

Now the phone will be set to install all apps you install onto the SD card. However, already installed apps on phone will have to be manually moved if on phone memory.

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