How to Troubleshooting Raspberry Pi

In this article we will cover common problems in Raspberry Pi and resolving issues.

Different errors that we have are as follows:

  1. Boot problem
  2. Video/Display issues
  3. Audio Issues
  4. Network Problems

Boot Problem

If you have issue in booting your Raspberry Pi there are few things that you should try. Probability of hardware issue is very less.

  1. First check all connections. Most likely video output is not connected correctly. Try changing the HDMI cable
  2. Try different power supply.
  3. If above 2 are fine then most likely the issue is in SD card. Try flashing new Raspberry pi OS. You can try on a new/spare SD card and to rule out hardware problem.
  4. You can identify some issues based on the Onboard LED flash. Refer the following table to identify the issue.

Long flashes Short flashes Status
03Generic failure to boot
04start*.elf not found
07Kernel image not found
08SDRAM failure
09Insufficient SDRAM
010In HALT state
21Partition not FAT
22Failed to read from partition
23Extended partition not FAT
24File signature/hash mismatch - Pi 4
31SPI EEPROM error - Pi 4
32SPI EEPROM is write protected - Pi 4
44Unsupported board type
45Fatal firmware error
46Power failure type A
47Power failure type B

Video/Display issues

Most common display issues are with incorrect display settings. Raspberry Pi may be outputting video at a resolution your display cannot understand. Ccheck what resolution settings your

  1. If you have access from another computer you can use tvservice command as follows:
tvservice -s # displays the current HDMI status, including mode and resolution
tvservice -m # CEA lists supported CEA modes
tvservice -m # DMT lists supported DMT modes

From SSH you can run following command.

sudo raspi-config And select ‘2 Display Options > Default Monitor preferred resolution’. or the supported resolution returned by tvservice.

2. If you do not have access to SSH.

Remove the microSD card from Raspberry Pi and attach it to a working computer. From boot folder edit config.txt file. Uncomment this line (remove the ‘#’ at the front):# uncomment if you get no picture on HDMI for a default “safe” mode


You can also use this file to adjust resolution settings, display modes, and other configuration settings.

Audio Issues

Raspberry Pi can output audio using HDMI or 3.5 audio jack. Check the audio output settings and try setting the option to the way you are connected – i.e. HDMI for audio output via HDMI, or 3.5 mm for speakers. Right-click the volume icon on the desktop taskbar to brings up the audio output selector and select between the internal audio outputs.

Alternatively, you can also adjust audio settings in raspiconfig.

sudo raspi-config
Select System Options > Audio and choose the option you want.

Network Problems

When using a wired Ethernet connection, Raspberry Pi should connect automatically with no further intervention. Problem occurs mainly when using wifi and also if you are using older Pi with wifi dongle. If connected to GUI, click on the wireless and wired network icon and choose your wireless network from the list of SSIDs. Enter the password in the Pre-shared key field and click OK.

If you are using non GUI mode use raspi-config instead:

sudo raspi-config

Choose ‘1 System Options > S1 Wireless LAN’ and enter the name of the wireless network and the password.

To scan for wireless networks, use the command:

sudo iwlist wlan0 scan

If you have already configured wireless and now it is not working. Follow following steps:

  1. Restart your Raspberry Pi. Most of the problem will go away on restart.

2. Are other devices connected and working? There is a chance your ISP is having connection troubles.

3. Reconnect your wireless connection

4. If you still have problem, then the issue can be because of some recent update which might have altered you wireless driver. Try reverting your recent updates or fixing the driver issues.

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