Headphone amplifier circuit using LM4880

LM4880 is a dual power amplifier designed to produce high quality audio output capable of delivering power of 220mW per channel to 8 Ohm load using minimum external component and a 5v power supply. This can be very handy to design portable amplifier circuit.


LM4880 is a dual power amplifier capable of delivering power of 220mW per channel to 8 Ohm load using 5v power supply. This IC is specifically designed to produce high quality audio output with a minimum number of external components.


amplifier circuit using LM4880

In the circuit shown above, resistance R3 and R4 are feedback resistors. C1 and C2 are input DC decoupling capacitors. C4 provides power filtering to reduce noise. Capacitor C3 provide half filtering. Note that shutdown pin 5 is left unused. This can be used to automatically shut down when a logic high is given to the shutdown pin 5.

Parts required

IC – LM4880

R1,R2,R3,R4 – 20k

C1,C2,C3 – 1 uF

C4 – 0.1 u

C5,C6 – 220uF

Power – 5v

Typical usage

  1. Headphone Amplifier
  2. Personal Computers

For more detail on LM4880 refer the datasheet.

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