Category Electronics

Electrical Appliance Protection

Electrical Appliance Protection

This simple circuit of electrical appliance protection  is to protect your electrical appliance during irregular power supply. Normally when power goes off we forget switching off our appliances. Especially in India where power cuts are very frequent we tend to leave…

LED Flasher using NE555

LED Flasher circuit using NE555 timer IC   R1, R2, C1 and the supply voltage determine the flash rate. For a variable flash rate, replace R1 with a 1 MΩ pot in series with a 22k resistor. The purpose of R3…

USB Reading Lamp

USB reading lamp is powered using USB port. The USB port provide 5 v and 100mA which is sufficient for this circuit. Cut the one end of the USB cable and use RED(pin1) and Black(pin4) for 5v positive and negative…

10 Stage LED Sequencer

10 Stage LED Sequencer Components   IC1- CD4017 IC2- NE555 C1 – 1μ C2- 0.01 μ R1 – 470 Ω R2 – 100 KΩ R3- 100 Ω LED1-10 – RED LED 9volt DC power supply.                …

20 Watt Inverter

This circuit will drive a 40 watt fluorescent or two 20-watt tubes in series. The transformer is wound on a ferrite rod 10mm dia and 8cm long. The wire diameters is 0.61mm wire for the primary and 0.28mm wire for…

Lamp Dimmer

12v LAMP Dimmer Parts IC 1 – NE555 Transistor – 2N2955 -1 Resistance – 1k(2 no.), 100 Ω Variable Resistance – 50k Capacitor – 0.1 µF Diode – 1N4001 – 3  12v 2 amp Bulb Input Voltage is 12v. To…

LED Basics

Today LED has become an integral part of consumer electronics. LED TV, LED Display, LED Lights and so on. These are becoming very popular because of there low power consumption. What is LED? LED stands for Light emitting diode. A…