Category Electronics

How to make a Tachometer for bicycle

To make a tachometer for bicycle tachometer we will be using Arduino and reed switch as the main component. We will design the tachometer to Display Speed and also temperature. Following are the list of components required. Parts list: Arduino…

Home Automation using Arduino UNO

In this post we will be designing home automation using Arduino UNO and IR remote control device. Components Required Arduino UNO board TSOP 1738 IR Remote Control Receiver 1 KΩ Resistor X 4 2N2222 NPN Transistor X 4 1N4007 Diode…

Time delay relay circuit

What is a time delay relay circuit? In a time delay relay circuit, relay contacts are closed or open after the preset time interval. Whereas in a normal relay contacts are open/closed immediately when coil is energized. It prevents the…

Real time clock with DS1302

Real time clock with DS1302 is designed using Arduino Uno. About DS1302 The DS1302 is a trickle-charge timekeeping chip containing a real-time clock/calendar and 31 bytes of static RAM. It communicates with a microprocessor via a simple serial interface. The…

Seven segment display counter

A seven segment display is typically used to display numbers from 0-9. It consists of 7 bar segments and a dot( 8 Segments). They are numbered A to F and DP for the dot or decimal place. There are 2 types…

Plus/minus supply using LMC7660

LM 7660 is a CMOS voltage convertor capable of converting a positive voltage in the range of +1.5 v – 10 v to the corresponding negative voltage of -1.5v to -10v using very few external components. Below is the schematic…

Bicycle USB Charger

This circuit has been developed to add a USB charging port to a bicycle for charging a mobile phone. The input supply for the circuit is produced by a dynamo (6V, 3W dynamo) in the bicycle. The circuit is based…