Category How-To

How to connect 16*2 LCD display Arduino UNO
To Connect 16*2 LCD Display Arduino Uno we will use the previous project to capture temperature and display on console. Parts required for the project: Arduino IDE to program the code and upload OneWire and DallasTemperatre library for the Arduino…

How to Measure temperature with Arduino and DS18B20 sensor?
In this example project we will be combining an Arduino and DS18B20 sensor. The DS18B20 is also called 1-wire digital temperature sensor Arduino and DS18B20 Temperature Sensor The DS18B20 comes in different forms and shapes, so you have plenty of…

How to test Arduino UNO
You have received your Arduino UNO and want to quickly verify and test arduino uno that it is in good condition or you want to write your first Arduino UNO program. To do so you need to follow the following…
How to transfer domain hosting and domain
There may be situation when you may require to transfer domain hosting from one hosting provider to other. Doing so there are many challenges like making sure that there is minimum downtime such that end user does not get to know…

Raspberry Pi XBMC Media Center
In this project I will let you know steps to make your own Raspberry Pi XBMC Media Center. Parts Required The parts you will you need for this project are listed below. You will probably only need a USB keyboard…
How to configure Visual studio load test Database manually?
To configure Visual studio load test Database manually perform following steps: Open a Visual Studio Command prompt. Type the following text: On a 32-bit version of Windows type: cd “c:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\Common7\IDE” -or- On a 64-bit version of…
Windows 10 tweaks and tricks
Digging deep into Windows 10. Here are some of the most useful windows 10 tweaks and tricks. Use the Hidden Screen Recorder App Until now, if you wanted to record videos of the apps on your screen, you required a…
How to enable Dark Mode in windows 10?
Steps to Enable Dark Mode in windows 10 Microsoft has introduced a dark theme option for the new Edge browser in Windows10 is looks great. As of now it is only available for Edge browser. But there is a…

How To Make WiFi Tethering in Windows 8.1
Steps to Configure Wifi Tethering in Windows: Launch an elevated command prompt under Windows 8 (command prompt with administrator privileges). To do this Press Windows + x key in windows 8 and click Command Prompt (Admin). Execute the below command to verify…