Seven segment display counter
A seven segment display is typically used to display numbers from 0-9. It consists of 7 bar segments and a dot( 8 Segments). They are numbered A to F and DP for the dot or decimal place. There are 2 types…
A seven segment display is typically used to display numbers from 0-9. It consists of 7 bar segments and a dot( 8 Segments). They are numbered A to F and DP for the dot or decimal place. There are 2 types…
Introduction In this post I will let you know how to set up web server on raspberry pi. There are many web servers for raspberry pi. In out example we will be setting up apache web server. Apache is a…
LM 7660 is a CMOS voltage convertor capable of converting a positive voltage in the range of +1.5 v – 10 v to the corresponding negative voltage of -1.5v to -10v using very few external components. Below is the schematic…
This circuit has been developed to add a USB charging port to a bicycle for charging a mobile phone. The input supply for the circuit is produced by a dynamo (6V, 3W dynamo) in the bicycle. The circuit is based…
Introduction In this project, a simple light sensor is designed using LDR. The project is built around Arduino. Components required Arduino UNO Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) 100 KΩ POT Buzzer Circuit Diagram Working A 100 KΩ POT and the LDR…
Omega 2 board is the development boards from Onion. It comes packed with built-in Wi-Fi and on-board flash storage. You do not have to worry about buying Wi-Fi dongles or installing operating system images onto external SD cards. Using the…
If you want to install on Raspberry Pi 2 follow the direction mentioned here.
Introduction to Appium Appium is an open source cross platform test automation framework for use with native, hybrid and mobile web apps. It drives iOS, Android, and Windows apps using the WebDriver protocol. Platforms supported are: iOS Android Windows FirefoxOS Step…
Introduction This blog will show you how to install Linux on Windows 10 machine without dual boot option and partitioning your hard drive. In this method we will be using a software called Virtualbox from Oracle. It will allow you…
How do you measure DevOps success ? You may not know if you are achieving success with your DevOps implementation unless you measure it and also manage it continuously to keep the key performance indicators (KPI) in right balance. Following are the…