Basic Electronics – 1

Introduction Electronic component can be divided into 2 types: Active and Passive components Resistors and Capacitors etc. are known as passive components because they can only attenuate the electrical voltage and signals and cannot amplify. Devices like transistors and operational amplifier(op…

Solving software performance problems

How to solve software performance problems ? 1.  Define your Objective -where you need to be? It is surprising that many projects do not have well-defined performance objectives. When we ask what the performance objectives are, we very often get…

Compiling and Installing Custom Linux Kernel

Compiling and Installing Custom Linux Kernel The below mentioned steps will work in Ubuntu or debian like systems. I have tested it on Ubuntu 10.10. Download and unzip(preparing) sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install kernel-package libncurses5-dev fakeroot wget bzip2 Download…

No Sound from Ubuntu linux or Mint

No Sound from Ubuntu linux or Mint Searched google for possible answer to the problem but solution mentioned was not sufficient to solve my issues. I wasted couple of weekends resolving this issue.Finally I solved by removing PulseAudio and ALSA…

Statistical Principals for the Performance Tester

Over the years I found that members of software development teams, developers, testers, administrators and managers alike have an insufficient grasp on how to apply mathematics or interpret statistical data on the job. As performance testers, we must know and…

Economics of test automation

How to calculate the cost of test automation: Cost of test automation = Cost of tool(s) + Labor costs of script creation + Labor costs of script maintenance   If a test script will be run every week for the…

Monitoring Windows server using Nagios

Monitoring windows server require installation on NSClient ++ on windows host. How it works? For example disk space usage needs to be monitored on windows host. 1. Nagios will execute check_nt command on nagios-server and request it to monitor disk usage on…

How to configure and use Selenium with C#

Step 1: Download Selenium Core, Selenium IDE and Selenium RC from the website Step 2: Installing the IDE. It consists of an XPI file that needs to be added in Firefox. Step 3: Unzip the Selenium RC folder. Step…