Linux Mint 15 RC is out. If you are using Mint 14 and want to move to new version you can follow the steps below.
Waring: It is not recommended method and should be followed only at your own risks. Recommended method of upgrade is installing from ISO file.
Steps to follow:
- Using a text editor (as root), replace the contents of /etc/apt/sources.list with the following sources list:
deb olivia main upstream import deb raring main restricted universe multiverse deb raring-updates main restricted universe multiverse deb raring-security main restricted universe multiverse deb raring partner deb raring free non-free
- Run ‘apt-get update’
- Run ‘apt-get dist-upgrade’.
Follow the instructions issued, don’t worry about overwriting configuration files. It will take some time depending on your internet speed and system configuration.
- Run ‘apt-get upgrade’
- Reboot
You are done with upgrade to Linux Mint 15.