How to use Azure IOT Hub – Part 1


In this part we will cover how to configure Azure IOT hub and make it ready for using it with Raspberry Pi or ESP8266 boards.

Things that you Need

  • An ESP8266 Dev board or Raspberry Pi 2 or 3 or Pie Zero W or Node MCU. I will be using Raspberry Pi 2
  • An active Azure subscription. If you do not have an Azure account, create a free Azure trial.
  • A monitor, a USB keyboard, and mouse that connects to Pi.
  • A Mac or PC that is running Windows or Linux.
  • An internet connection.
  • A 16 GB or above microSD card.
  • A USB-SD adapter or microSD card to burn the operating system image onto the microSD card.
  • A 5-volt 2-amp power supply with the 6-foot micro USB cable.
  • An assembled Adafruit BME280 temperature, pressure, and humidity sensor or DHT22 Humidity and Temperature sensor. We will be using DHT22 Humidity and temperature sensor
  • A breadboard.
  • Some jumper wires.
  • LED.

Create an IoT hub

  1. Sign in to the Azure portal.
  2. Select Create a resource > Internet of Things > IoT Hub.

Azure IOT image 1

Azure IOT image 2

In the IOT hub pane, enter the following information for your IOT hub:

  • Name: Create a name for your IOT hub. If the name you enter is valid, a green check mark appears.

Note: The IOT hub will be publicly discoverable as a DNS endpoint, so make sure to avoid any sensitive information while naming it.

  • Pricing and scale tier: For this tutorial, select the F1 – Free tier. For more information, see the Pricing and scale tier.
  • Resource group: Create a resource group to host the IOT hub or use an existing one. For more information, see Use resource groups to manage your Azure resources
  • Location: Select the closest location to you.
  • Pin to dashboard: Check this option for easy access to your IOT hub from the dashboard.

Azure IOT image 3

Click Create. Your IOT hub might take a few minutes to create. You can monitor the progress in the Notifications pane.

Azure IOT image 4

OIn IoT hub, locate the important information that you use to connect devices and applications to your IoT hub.

Note down the Hostname and connection string of the iothub

Register a Device in IOT HUB for the device

  • Open your IoT hub and click Device Explorer.
  • In the Device Explorer pane, click Add to add a device to your IoT hub. Then do the following:
  • Device ID: Enter the ID of the new device. Device IDs are case sensitive.
  • Authentication Type: Select Symmetric Key.
  • Auto Generate Keys: Select this check box.
  • Connect device to IoT Hub: Click Enable.
  • Click Save.
  • After the device is created, open the device in the Device Explorer pan and make a note of the primary key of the connection string.

Azure IOT image 5

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