How to use A9G GPS/GSM/GPRS pudding board – Part1

What is A9G GPS/GPRS board?

A9G GPS/GSM/GPRS pudding board is a complete quad-band GSM/GPRS+GPRS/GPS module. This module supports the basic phone voice call/SMS, serial to GPRS and GPS data transmission functions, which can be used in a wide range of applications, such as IoT, vehicle-mounted equipment, remote localization, electric power environment monitoring. It comes with 29 GPIOs and integrated SDK that could greatly facilitate private redevelopment.


  • Operating Temperature: -20℃~+70℃
  • Low Power Mode Current: 2mA below (average)
  • Supports for Quad-band GSM/GPRS(850/900/1800/1900MHz)
  • GPRS Class 10
  • Sensitivity: <-105dB
  • Supports for Voice call and SMS
  • GPIO Level: 2.8V
  • Supports GPRS data service, the maximun download data rate is 85.5kbps, upload rate is 42.8Kbps
  • Supports standard GSM07.07,07.05 AT command and Ai-Thinker expandable command set
  • AT command supports standard AT&TCP/IP command port
A9G GPS/GSM/GPRS Schematic

Debugging and Testing A9G GPS/GSM/GPRS pudding board

The module uses AT firmware and hence we can use AT command to test our board. In order to do so we will need TTL to UART convertor module.


Tx of A9G to Rx of TTL to UART

Rx of A9G to Tx of TTL to UART

GND of A9G to GND of TTL to UART

5v of A9G to 5v of TTL to UART

You can use any serial debugging tool to send AT command and check the board. Download the sample tool from AI thinker from here. When you launch the tool it will look something like below.

The board by default uses 115200 baud rate. Select the COM port and baud rate and open. To check the board connectivity send AT command. If you get OK it means the board is connected successfully. Note, you need a valid SIM to test your board using AT commands.

Common AT Commands

GSM Commands

SMS Commands

GPS Commands

In next part we will see how we can write an Arduino program to send AT command to A9G board and perform different tasks. We will use Arduino pro mini or Arduino UNO.

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