Category Software Testing

IOT Testing and its Challenges

What is IOT? As per Wikipedia “The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of physical objects or “things” embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and network connectivity, which enables these objects to collect and exchange data.” The Internet of Things…

Risk based testing

What is risk ? Risk is an uncertain event or condition that, if it occurs, has an effect on at least one objective. or The probability of something happening multiplied by the resulting cost or benefit if it does. (This…

The Economies of Software Testing

What do you mean by Economies of Software testing? Why software defects are costly to find and fix? How early defect detection can save much cost in fixing defects? There is a definite economic impact of software testing. One economic…

Security testing – revisited

This blog (security testing revisited) is intended to summarize  few of my post related to security testing :- Ethical Hacking – part 1 –  Before going into details of how to ethical hacking we should be clear of what it is. What…

Test Pattern – Pair Testing

Pair Testing Pair testing is another example of test pattern. Context Pair testing is a way of approaching a test design process by having two people test the same time and place continuously. The dynamics of pairing enables the generation…

Test Patterns – Scenario Testing

Scenario Testing Scenario testing is one of the example of Test Patterns Context The objective of scenario testing is to prove that the program will fail when asked to do real work ( significant tasks) by an experienced user. A…