Tag Circuit Idea

Headphone amplifier circuit using LM4880

LM4880 is a dual power amplifier designed to produce high quality audio output capable of delivering power of 220mW per channel to 8 Ohm load using minimum external component and a 5v power supply. This can be very handy to design portable amplifier circuit.

Square wave oscillator

What all are required? You would need following parts build the above circuit. C1 – 10 u C2 – 1u C3 – 100n C4,C7- 10n C5 – 1n C6- 100n VR1 – 100k R2 – 10k R3- 3.3k R4 –…

Time delay relay circuit

What is a time delay relay circuit? In a time delay relay circuit, relay contacts are closed or open after the preset time interval. Whereas in a normal relay contacts are open/closed immediately when coil is energized. It prevents the…

Plus/minus supply using LMC7660

LM 7660 is a CMOS voltage convertor capable of converting a positive voltage in the range of +1.5 v – 10 v to the corresponding negative voltage of -1.5v to -10v using very few external components. Below is the schematic…

Bicycle USB Charger

This circuit has been developed to add a USB charging port to a bicycle for charging a mobile phone. The input supply for the circuit is produced by a dynamo (6V, 3W dynamo) in the bicycle. The circuit is based…

Solar mobile charger circuit

Solar mobile charger circuit using LM7805 fig1 C1 and C2 – 4700 µf This circuit is self explanatory. It uses solar panel to convert light energy to electrical energy to charge your mobile. It uses 5v regulator IC 7805 to…

Solar power supply circuit

This solar power supply circuit project uses the 1.2v rechargeable battery and solar panel. The solar panel charges the battery when sunlight is bright enough to produce a voltage above 1.9v. The regulator transistor is designed to limit the output voltage…