Category Electronics


Arduino Uno

What is Arduino UNO? Arduino is an open source electronics prototyping platform based on flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. It is intended for artists, designers, hobbyists and anyone interested in creating interactive objects or environments. Arduino Uno is a board based…

AC LED Light

AC LED Light

Circuit Diagram for AC LED Light Resistor=240v -( Number of LEDs *3.3) A         =240 – (41*3.3) A =7000 Ohms Either use 6.8k or 7.1 K with power rating of 7-10 watt or 4*2.1 k 2watt Suggested Layout for AC LED…

Solar mobile charger circuit

Solar mobile charger circuit using LM7805 fig1 C1 and C2 – 4700 µf This circuit is self explanatory. It uses solar panel to convert light energy to electrical energy to charge your mobile. It uses 5v regulator IC 7805 to…

Buy electronic components online in India

There are many online sites from where to buy electronic components online in India. Some of the most popular ones are listed below. My favourite is, and Below are sites which I have tested and are good. …


Remote controlling Raspberry Pi

Remote controlling Raspberry Pi using SSH Enable SSH in raspberry pi using the command raspi-config From window machine use putty to connect to Raspberry Pi From Linux Machine or Mac use terminal to connect eg: ssh Remote controlling Raspberry…

7 Segment Display

A 7 segment display is typically used to display numbers from 0-9. It consists of 7 bar segments and a dot( 8 Segments). Segments are numbered A to F and DP for the dot or decimal place. There are 2 types…