Testing Strategies in a Microservice Architecture

Microservices are a popular architectural style for building applications that are resilient, independently deployable and highly scalable. But a successful microservice architecture requires different approach to both designing and testing. What is a Microservice architecture and how it differs from…

AI Bot

How to fail AI Testing?

Overview Here I will show you how to fail OpenAI. I have given a simple mathematical problem to solve. Open AI got confused on the questions and gave multiple incorrect answers each time trying to prove itself correct. So its…

Getting started with UiPath automation tool

UiPath is a Robotic Process Automation (RPA) tool that automates repetitive and manual tasks. Its a low code no code alternate to Selenium. To write a UiPath automation tool script, you will need to follow these steps: These are the…

Audio amplifier using TDA1554

The TDA1554Q is an integrated class-B output amplifier in a 17-lead single-in-line (SIL) plastic power package. The circuit contains 4 x 11 W single-ended or 2 x 22 W bridge amplifiers.

Headphone amplifier circuit using LM4880

LM4880 is a dual power amplifier designed to produce high quality audio output capable of delivering power of 220mW per channel to 8 Ohm load using minimum external component and a 5v power supply. This can be very handy to design portable amplifier circuit.

How to create Azure Virtual Desktop

In this post we will see how to create Azure Virtual Desktop step by step from the user interface. Alternatively you can use PowerShell command to achieve the same. The things you create in Azure are called resources, and every…

PAM8403 Mini digital audio amplifier module

PAM8403 Mini Digital Audio Amplifier Module is a Class-D 2* 3 Watt amplifier module. It offers low THD+N, allowing it to achieve high-quality sound reproduction. The new filterless architecture allows the device to drive the speaker directly, requiring no low-pass…

Top posts of year 2022

Looking back year 2022. This year was very interesting in many aspects. We started going to office from March 2022 first time since March 2020 covid induced locked down. It was good to meet people face to face. But still…

ESP8266 module

Overview ESP8266 is a 3V WiFi module popular for its Internet of Things applications. It is a low-cost Wi-Fi microchip, with built-in TCP/IP networking software, and microcontroller capability, produced by Espressif Systems in Shanghai, China. ESP8266 has 8 pins, namely:…