Category Software Testing

Sanity testing vs Smoke testing

Sanity testing and Smoke testing. What is the difference? For last 10 years I have answered this question justifying the answer which I read in book. This is also one of my question in interviews. It is such a question which…

Distributed testing in Jmeter

You have reached the limit of one machine while doing your load testing and now want to distribute your load from different machines. In Jmeter it is commonly called as distributed load testing or remote testing. Distributed testing or remote…

JMeter Tuning Tips

Context You require to do Load test that requires thousands of thread. How will you configure JMeter so that JMeter performs well without any issues? Issues that you normally encounter with JMeter when using large number of threads are Out…

SQL Injection

SQL injection is a technique often used to attack data driven applications. This is done by including portions of SQL statements in an entry field in an attempt to get the website to pass a newly formed SQL command to…

Security testing tips

This post is in continuation of my earlier post on security testing.  Before I move into details of security testing here are few tips for beginners and some browser add-on that can help in security testing.   Security testing tips:-…

Test strategy

What is it? What does it look like? As per James Bach “How we plan to cover the product so as to develop an adequate assessment of quality.” A good test strategy is: Specific Practical Justified Wikipedia defination “A test…