Rewind Year 2021

Year 2021 started with a hope but ended with despair. When 2020 was ending we thought new year will bring some good and pandemic will end soon but it became worse and before we event though of another new year may be good new variant is making havoc.

This pandemic have taught us many new things and reminded us many basic hygiene which we had forgotten. I never thought of making an invertor for my Router but had to do because of WFH and virtual school. Similarly Charger for Automobile battery which I had to make to charge my discharged car battery.

Some good things also happened in this pandemic. Never before I was having breakfast, lunch and dinner together with my family except on weekends. I learnt many new DIY things other than electronics. I have started cooking some new recipes, did my own hair cut etc.

Some of my blog post from last year which you may bot have seen are as follows as a recap.

  1. How to use A9G GPS/GSM/GPRS pudding board – Part2
  2. How to use A9G GPS/GSM/GPRS pudding board – Part1
  3. How to program Arduino pro mini
  4. Raspberry Pi tips
  5. How to add switch to start and Shutdown Raspberry Pi
  6. Router UPS using TP5100 version 2
  7. How to control Raspberry Pi fan
  8. How to Troubleshooting Raspberry Pi
  9. How to Install and configure MagicMirror
  10. Read and display temperature from Raspberry Pi PICO

That’s all for today and will comeback with some exciting posts.

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