Covid-19 lock down home projects
Homemade speaker system – Polishing left Tickle charged discharged car battery Solar Lamp UPS for wifi router
Homemade speaker system – Polishing left Tickle charged discharged car battery Solar Lamp UPS for wifi router
Introduction This project to make WIFI router UPS was inspired by continuous work from home requirement during lockdown. In our area when the power from the electricity board goes off, there is some lag in switching to power backup. Because of…
What is MQ-2 smoke detector? The MQ-2 smoke sensor is sensitive to smoke other inflammable gases like LPG, Butane, Propane, Methane, Alcohol, Hydrogen The resistance of the sensor is different depending on the type of the gas. The smoke sensor…
Why do we need Kodi on Amazon fire stick? We configured media file server in my last post. With Kodi , we will access media files or photos on TV using amazon fire stick. Steps to follow: Step1: Launch your…
Media file share using raspberry pi can be achieved using Samba file server. You can use Samba file server to store all your media files and share across multiple device on your home network. Raspberry Pi will act as single…
Its all in the number game or number illusion. You see what you want to see. Unless you deep dive in to the numbers along with context, you can not get correct picture.
WordPress comes with a built-in feature that allows you to undo changes and go back to a previous version of a post. This feature is called Post Revisions or simply Revisions. But suppose your post revisions are too high from…
Introduction This weather station using NodeMCU uses open weather api from openweathermap.org. Parts required for this project NodeMCU OLED I2C display Some wires and USB data cable 5v v battery or power supply What is NodeMCU? Its a Development Kit…
What all are required? You would need following parts build the above circuit. C1 – 10 u C2 – 1u C3 – 100n C4,C7- 10n C5 – 1n C6- 100n VR1 – 100k R2 – 10k R3- 3.3k R4 –…
Introduction In this arduino clock project we are displaying time on 7 segment tube display. Unlike other posts where I had used lcd display. Tube display board uses TM1637 chip. Parts required For this project we need 3 important parts…